
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Great Alien Invasion: How I Invaded Milton Keynes, A Radio Station and People's Minds.

 My Foray Into Guerilla Marketing.  I had never heard of Guerilla Marketing until I was aksed to be involved in a Guerilla Marketing Campaign. It just so happend that a company was looking for someone who resembled a slim, pale, 6ft+ alien. I had found my calling. The plan was to creat a viral campaign that would cause a stir and claw its way through the internet. We certainly caused a stir, and pissed a few people off. This is me  as the alien.  What is Guerilla Marketing? Guerrila Marketing uses unconventional methods to get people talking about a business and, in some cases, to boost sales. Campaigns like this can ruffle a few feathers; they can be clever and they certainly get people talking. I (the alien) was the unconventional method. The campaign was set up to get people talking about a certain college. All the information is online and I will provide links as I go. So, what actually happened? An Angry YouTuber, The Men In Black And My Own Cartoon.  I arr...

David Bowie's Silhouette: My Day in a Bowie Music Video.

12 Hours To Make a Music Video? It is true. This is roughly how long we had to shoot the music video. 5pm to 6am. Ouch.  In 2014 I auditioned to play a character called Bowie's Silhouette. Whether or not this is exactly what I played in the music video, I am not entirely sure. I auditioned in London. In the audition room there was a screen set up with a light shining behind it. The casting team asked me to stand behind the screen. I created various poses before being asked to run backwards and forewards. A request I found odd at the time, but made sense on the day of shooting. Once the casting team had seen enough of my silhouette, I was sent home. A day or so later I receieved a call from my agent to say "You have the part!" I was going to play David Bowie's bastard silhouette. Me! My Mum, being a big Bowie fan, was chuffed and so was my Dad. I had heard that David Bowie had okayed me to be in the video himself, but I am not too sure how true this is. It is a warming...

Sex Scenes, Cat Ears and Strobe Lights: My Strangest Day On Set.

 Sex Scenes.  It's. Not. Porn. I promise.  (This entire experience is a comedy sketch and can be viewed via this link) Director - Hey Danny. How are you doing? Danny - Good, thank you. Great to finally talk to you, Director - Absolutely. Likewise. So, let's get straight to it. I'll tell you my influences for the film and then give you a run down of what it's about - going to look like, etc.  Danny - Sounds good.  Director - Perfect. So, it's a cross between porn and Quentin Tarantino.  Danny - (Infinite Silence).  The above conversation more or less happened. I am 99% sure the last line came from the directors mouth. At least 90%.  But Danny, surely this is the brightest, most reddest flag in the entire effing world!  Al I can say is this...woops.  The above conversation more or less happened in the hot summer of 2013. I am fresh out of East 15, I have an agent (wow), no professional acting experience, and I am eager to to try anything. ...